A new option for patients
with dry macular degeneration

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A new option for patients with dry AMD



“During my ophthalmological practice, macular diseases always have been my special concern, especially Age-related Macular Degeneration. However, I had to find again and again that patients evaluate treatment outcomes differently from us doctors. While a patient maintains their ability to focus and orientate themself, they are usually not able to read anymore. These observations finally led to the development of our Macula Lens in cooperation with the Hungarian company Medicontur Medical Engineering.”

Prof. Gábor B. Scharioth MD, PhD(Germany)

“SML – a new hope for patients with AMD, enabling a return to active life without stigmatization and for a reasinable price.”

Prof. Dr Pavel Rozsival (Czech Republic)

“I have found SML to be a simple, safe and effective option to enhance reading vision in patients with age-related macular degeneration.”

Sathish Srinivasan MD, FRCSEd, FRCOphth, FACS(UK)

“The SML provides important progress for AMD patients, to manage their daily routine.”

Anneliese Riehl, MD(Germany)

“Patient selection is paramount. In the case of our meticulously selected macular patients the SML provided a good reading visual acuity. Patients were happy with the results.”

Prof. Zoltán Z. Nagy, MD, PhD; Med Habil. DSc(Hungary)

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